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A word from Us to You

A word from Us to You

Posted by Brett Vergou on

We all know that COVID-19 has changed our world. At Adelio, we’re committed to getting our shops stocked and online customers serviced in this uncertain and unprecedented time. We will continue to process all orders in a business-as-usual fashion. We have new stock arriving in the coming weeks and are working with our distribution partners to ensure there’s plenty of suits available. Please bear in mind that as restrictions come down, shipping to certain parts of the world simply may not possible. With everyone else, we’ll continue to monitor events as they unfold and may be subject to adjusting our business. In the meantime, be sure to shop our end of summer sale and use code “wintersover” to get up to 40% off. Wherever you are in the world, take care of each other and go surf if you can. Thank you for your support of the #noblequest

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